Squeegee down the walls, tub, and curtain (if possible) to prevent moisture from creating mold or mildew.
Here at Miracle Method, we firmly believe that surface refinishing is the best choice for bathtubs, ceramic tile, and kitchen countertops that need surface repair, making them look like new. That said, we also firmly believe in routine maintenance and care for bathtubs. Today, we’re going to be discussing preventing and removing mold and mildew.
Mold and mildew go beyond simply making a room unattractive. It can disperse microscopic spores into the homes air. This is harmful to your health, and can cause anything from a mild allergic reaction to much more serious ailments.
Mold and mildew grow wherever there are high amounts of moisture and humidity. For bathtubs, sinks, and kitchen countertops, one of the simplest preventative measures comes from using a squeegee to direct any remaining water or other liquids down the nearest drain. With showers and bathtubs, post usage, squeegee down the glass doors or curtains as best you can. All this help prevent the accumulation of moisture that can spawn mold or mildew.
You can help prevent mold and mildew by using typical household cleaning supplies such as bleach, dish soap, detergent and hot water to scrub out the respective areas.
For shower curtains (fabric or plastic), the simplest solution is putting them in a washing machine with hot water, heavy detergent, and a little color-safe bleach (3/4th of a cup). After it’s washed, hang it up and let it air dry in a dry area.
For everything else, start with a couple spoonfuls of dish soap mixed with a bucket of hot water, and a non-scratch brush or scouring pad. We recommend scrubbing the problem areas, as well as the surrounding areas.