After their holiday break, thousands of college students returned to beautiful residence hall bathrooms thanks to the work done by Miracle Method Surface Refinishing. Gone are the ugly tile, leaking shower pans and slippery floors… all because their schools had taken advantage of Miracle Method’s time-saving surface refinishing process to upgrade the look and feel the of bathroom fixtures and tile while students were away from campus.
More and more college and universities are turning to Miracle Method because surface refinishing:
- Costs significantly less than replacement
- Bathrooms are back in service in just 24 – 48 hours
- Refinished surfaces are much easier to clean
- Grout and caulk lines are permanently sealed
- Formation of mold and mildew is dramatically reduced

After: Tile is repaired and grout is permanently sealed…color is updated and shower is ready for returning students.
Whether it’s a college residence hall or the bathroom in your home, Miracle Method has a cost saving alternative to messy and expensive remodeling. Call us at 855-212-7337 or visit and use our online locator to find an office near you. Learn how Miracle Method can upgrade your bathroom and kitchen surfaces for a fraction of the cost of removal and replacement remodeling.
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