You’ve had your vanity for several years, and although it is in great shape structurally, its appearance isn’t too fabulous. Over the years, dirt and dust, soap residue, hair spray residue, and the likes have found their way onto your vanity and into your grout lines, and no matter how hard you scrub with those cleaning products that promise to remove the most set-in stains, you can’t get them clean. You finally start to think about whether or not you should just replace the whole thing.
Before you replace, there’s another option to consider that will save you time and money – bathroom vanity refinishing by Miracle Method. Our refinishing process is usually completed in one day and typically saves our customers up to 75% over the cost of removal and replacement. The process includes repairing damage and restoring your vanity to a like-new look and feel. We will permanently seal your grout lines, making them easy to keep clean, and can even change the color of your grout lines if you wish. In just a few days, you’ll have a sparkling new vanity that will transform the look of your entire bathroom.

After: The vanity looks like new and best of all, the grout lines have been permanently sealed, making them easier to maintain.
Visit the Miracle Method website for more information on our bathroom vanity refinishing services. If you are ready to get started, use our online locator or call 855-212-7337 to reach the Miracle Method franchise closest to you.
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